Post-Casbah Debriefing

Hey all.  Man-o-man, what a strange thing the casbah show was. It was seriously triumphant playing a great set for a full crowd.   But also we realize what a weird thing it is to play a “rock club” with our strange instrumentation. 15 minutes to set up 7 people, equipment and monitor mixes is pushing it to say the least. What a strange stressful rush to get things in order to perform! We are hoping to re-appear at the Riviera / Turquoise Room soon as filling a night full of music feels more suitable to the Montalban Quintet vibe. Taking things as they come and letting songs develop and evolve at their own pace has serious value.  Playing a spot that has little time constraints and boundaries allows for the music to unravel as it feels appropriate.  Thanks so much to everyone who made it out to the Casbah on a tuesday night.  Also HUGE thanks to the Mattson2 and In Motion Trio for tearing it up.  What a fun night we had taking in all this music.  San Diego has it going on in a big way!

Posted in General MQ, Shows/Tour